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The articles should be submitted to the journal in electronic form on a CD or via e-mail. Submission by email is preferred if the total size of materials being submitted does not exceed 15 MB.


The text of an article

Articles are formated in Microsoft Word and saved in RTF. Use a Times Roman Cyrillic font, size 11 pt (for tables - 9 pt), one-and-a-half spacing, 2 cm margins on each side, with no indention at the beginning of a paragraph. When typing, do not use the indention and breaks by multiple spacebar, as well as breaks and hyphenation. Do not use footnotes. A list of references should be at the end of the article.  Size of the article including the literature and captions should not normally exceed 20 pages. Only units of SI are to be used.


The structure of an article

An article should be structured and contain, as a rule, the following sections: introduction, theoretical and methodological part, discussion of results, conclusions and references. One should use no more than three levels of subheadings.


Title, authors, organizations, addresses including electronic

In the beginning of this article the above mentioned data are presented in the specified order on separate lines (paragraphs). Highlight information about corresponding author in bold and give his (her) phone and fax numbers and email (this information will not been published).



Abstracts in Ukrainian, Russian and English should follow the main text and references on separate pages. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words in length. At the beginning of the abstract in each language, a separate paragraph should contain the title of the paper and the name(s) of the author(s). The abstracts should be informative summaries that include the conclusions. Bibliographies and references should not be given in the abstracts.


Figures (artwork)

Do not insert figures in the text file of article - all the figures are submitted as separate files. Line (halftone) figures must be saved in TIF black & white 1-bit (resolution 600-900 dpi), photos - in TIF or JPG (minimum resolution of 200-300 dpi), black and white or grayscale. The size of figures should be determined based on the fact that they will scale with the size of the reduction to one or two-column journal text (the width of the figure 8.5 or 18 cm). Care should be taken (especially if the originals are larger), that all the minor elements and labels in figures should remain legible for enforcement of such size. Captions of the figures can be duplicated in any of the official languages of the journal (Ukrainian, Russian and English).
Figures should be numbered in the order of the references to them in the article (references in the text are required - for example, Fig. 2). Number of images used in the file name. Captions for figures and illustrations are submitted in a separate file RTF. It is recommended to duplicate the figure captions and illustrations in another language (for example, in the Ukrainian or Russian paper to give Captions in the language of article plus in English).



Formulas and equations can be prepared in a special equation editors. They are given in the text as required, but are stored and given also as separate files in Windows metafile, *. wmf.



Tables with headers should be formated in Microsoft Word or Excel, numbered in order of their references  in the article, saved and submited in individual files. Statistic or other details given under the table. The content of the tables should not be repeated by figures. Ceteris paribus figures (graphics) are preferred. The information that is not discussed in the text should not be given in the tables.



References are composed in alphabetical order of author's names and not numbered. Reference to the authors' surnames are given in the text according to the attached rules of quotation. The same rules have samples of references for different types of sources.


Manuscripts submitted to the journal "Speleology and karstology" pass through peer-review process, organized by the  journal's editors. Comments and suggestions of reviewers are sent to authors for revision and submission the final version of the manuscript. The final version of the manuscript should be submitted to the editor during a week after receiving the reviewer;s comments. In the case of the negative reviews and / or the inability or unwillingness of the authors to take into account suggestions of the reviewer's, the editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts.

Responsibility of the authors

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the stated facts, citations,  bibliographic data, spelling of geographical names and proper names in their manuscripts, as well as the absence of confidential and legally restricted information. Authors should carefully follow these rules when preparing the manuscripts. The editors reserve the right not to consider the work, submitted with significant deviations from these rules.


These rules and citation of references are based on recommendations and standards of the International Council of  Science Editors - Scientific Style and Format, The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers , Seventh Edition.


The work of one author:

In some places epigenetic limestones are found under gipsum-anhydrite (Sakseev, 1966).


The works of two, three or more authors:

Some of them is dated to the Mindel-Riss time, and others - to the late Pleistocene (Kutepov, Tsyurupa, 1969, Sokolov et al, 1969).


Several works by the same author, a reference to the numerous works:

It was been proposed several models (Vinogradov, 1977, 1979, Petrov, 2001; Watson, 1988).


When the author's name is part of the sentence:

In the work of Kushnir (1988) a special analysis was performed .. ..
Borodyaev (1936) and Markov (1954) gave one's view on .. ..
According to a recent review work of the Machel (Machel, 1992) .. .. [When quoting a sentence from foreign sources, his name is specified in Russian or Ukrainian transcription, and the original name of the author is written in brackets]


The works which were used not directly by the author of the manuscript (avoid this case!):

Kruber (1914, cited by Dublyansky, 1977) first showed .. .. [In the bibliography are both sources]


Unpublished materials:

Ivanov (personal communication 1995) pointed on the presence of .. ..
These forms were observed (Semashko, 2000, unpublished data) in the cave .. ..
[such materials are not provided in the reference list]



Printed sources

Journal articles:

Gaydin A.M. Hydrogeology of native sulfur deposits // Soviet Geology. - 1983. - 3. - P.113-119.
Klimchouk A.B., Shestopalov V.M. Large labyrinth caves within the gypsum of the Western Ukraine: speleogenesis in artesian conditions // Geol.journal. - 1990. - № 5. - P. 93-104.
Töth J. Hydraulic continuity in large sedimentary basins // Hydrogeol. Journal. - 1995. - 3(4). - P. 4-15.

Articles in collections:

Bobrovnik D.P., Golovchenko Yu.K. To the study of karst in sulfur-bearing limestone and gypsum of Carpathian burnstone deposits // Geology of the burnstone deposits. - Moscow: Nedra, 1969. - P. 238-245.
Klimchouk A.B., Andreychuk V.N. Geological and hydrogeological conditions of the large gypsum caves development  in western Ukraine and their genesis // The Caves. - Perm: Perm. University, - 1988. - P. 12-25.
Grinenko V.A., Mamchur G.P., Srebrodolskiy B.I. Carbon isotope compositions of carbonates of sulfur deposits in  Ciscarpathian // Mineralogical collect. of Lvov. Univ. - 20. - Lvov, 1966. - P.56-63.

Articles and author's chapters in the edited book:

Otreshko A.I. The role of predsarmat erosion in the formation of sulfur deposits in Predcarpathian Basin // A.I.
Otreshko (ed.), Formational method in the prediction and study of mining and chemical raw materials  deposits. - Moscow: Nedra, 1974. - P. 144-153.
Palmer A.N. Geomorphic interpretation of karst features // R.G. LaFleur (еd.), Groundwater as a geomorphic agent. - Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1984. - P. 173-209.

The publication in conference proceedings or Symposium:

Stankevich E.F. Conditions of sulphur formation in hydrodynamic zones of groundwater // Proc. of the workshop on prediction of burnstone deposits in sedimentary rocks. - Kazan, 1968. - P. 43-47.
Klimchouk A.B., Jablokova N.L. Genesis of carbon dioxide of air in Ukrainian caves // Proc. of the 10 Int. Congress of Speleology. -Vol.Ш. - Budapest, 1989. -P. 800-801.

Author's book:

Dublyanskiy V.N., Kiknadze T.Z. Karst hydrogeology of Alpine folded region in southern USSR. - Moscow: Nauka, 1984. - 125 pp.
Ford D.C., Williams P.W. Karst Geomorphology and Hydrology. - London: Chapman & Hall, 1989. - 601 p.

Edited books:

Shestopalov V.M. (Ed). Water exchange in hydrogeological structures of Ukraine. Water exchange in natural  conditions. - Kiev: Nauk. Dumka, 1989. - 288.
Gunn J. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science. - New York – London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2004. - 902 p.
Klimchouk AB, Ford D., Palmer A., Dreybrodt W. (eds). Speleogenesis: Evolution of Karst Aquifer. - Huntsville: Natl. Speleol. Soc., 2000. - 800 p.


Sources from the Internet

Personal websites:

Pellegrino J. 1997Sept24. Homepage. <> Accessed 1997 Nov 7.

Articles in electronic journals:

Browning T.  Embedded visuals: student design in Web spaces // Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments 3(1). <http://> accessed 1997 Oct 21.

Klimchouk A.B. Towards defining, delimiting and classifying epikarst: Its origin, processes and variants of geomorphic evolution // Speleogenesis and Evolution of Karst Aquifers. - 2004. - 2 (1), <>, accessed 2006 May 6.

Web site of the organization:

[UISK] Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology. UISK home. .Accessed 2006 May 6.

Personal websites:

Klimchouk A.B., Shestopalov V.M. Large labyrinth caves within the gypsum of the Western Ukraine: speleogenesis in artesian conditions // Geol.journal. - 1990. - № 5. - P. 93-104.Web site of the organization: