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In connection with the transition of Speleology and Karstology journal edition to electronic format the order of the publication of articles was changed. As from Issue №3 the journal has introduced an online system of articles publishing in the individual mode as their gaining an editorial readiness. An article to be peer-reviewed, edited and accepted for print is published in the content of a current issue on the journal website immediately without waiting for the full readiness of the other articles of issue. The current issue is "closed" at the end of half-year (and thus the full content is fixed) and a new issue is opened.

Such system is practiced by a majority of international scientific journals with electronic versions (websites). Even in the journals published in paper form in addition to the electronic edition, a system of "online first" is practiced widely now, - i.e. the article published online in the electronic formas it become ready before the release of the printed issue.
The new edition system of the Speleology and Karstology journal will significantly speed up the publication of articles
especially high qualitative and well prepared articles as they will not be waiting for the readiness of entire issue.

The publishing of each article will be annonced (via the thematic electronic mail included) separately and it will cause an additional attention to articles as well as increasing of the operation dynamic of the journal as a whole. Editorial board invites researchers and practitioners carried out the research in the field of karst and caves as well as cave explorers engaged in research and documentation of caves who are interested in publishing of high-quality and effective results to send articles and messages in Speleology and Karstology journal.

Journal bulletin with contents of three previous issues can be downloaded here:

Please all the sympathetic persons to propagate information about the journal by available ways.
Website address of the Speleology and Karstology journal: